OCTUM GmbH, Renntalstraße 16, 74360 Ilsfeld, Germany

+49 (0) 7062 914940 info(at)octum.de

Octum GmbH


Published by

Renntalstraße 16
D-74360 Ilsfeld
Telephone: +49 (0) 7062 9 14 94-0
Fax: +49 (0) 7062 9 14 94-34
E-mail: info(at)octum.de
Internet: www.octum.de
Managing Director: Martin Peres
Registered at: Stuttgart District Court
Registration number: HRB 105990
Tax ID number: DE 177 711 316

Responsible for content in accordance with § 6 MDStV: Martin Peres
Webmaster: Andreas Goetze 
E-mail: info(at)octum.de

Concept and design:

Stimme.Net GmbH
Moltkestraße 12
74072 Heilbronn

Copyright notice

Unless otherwise specified, all pages of the operator's website are protected by copyright. This applies in particular to texts, photographs, graphics, style, sound, video or animation files, including their arrangement on the web pages. Reproduction or use of web pages (or parts thereof) in other electronic or printed publications and their publication (including on the Internet) is not permitted without prior approval. In addition, some photographs, graphics, text or other files may be partly or wholly subject to third party copyright. All brand names and trademarks mentioned on the website, which may be protected by third parties, are subject without restriction to the terms of the applicable trademark law and the rights of ownership of the relevant registered owner. The fact that a trademark is mentioned on our website does not indicate that it is not protected by the rights of a third party.



The operator has produced and reviewed the information provided in each section to the best of his knowledge. However, no assurance of the currency, correctness, completeness, quality or constant availability of the information provided is granted. No liability is accepted for any damage caused by retrieving or downloading data as a result of computer viruses or the installation and/or use of software. Websites marked with a name reflect the opinions and knowledge of the author. The operator explicitly reserves the right to modify, supplement or delete individual pages, Internet services provided by the operator or the entire site without prior notification, and to discontinue publication temporarily or permanently.

Links (disclaimer)

The operator is only responsible for its own content, which is provided for use, in line with the applicable legislation. This content is to be differentiated from links to websites of other suppliers. Links identified as “external links” allow the operator to provide access to external content. By using the link the operator is only providing access to use this content. He is not responsible for this "external” content, as he does not initiate communication of the information, does not select the recipient of the communicated information and has not chosen or modified the communicated information. When links to these websites were first incorporated, the authors of the relevant websites or the operator's editors reviewed the external content to ascertain whether it would possibly entail liability under civil or criminal law. However, as soon as the operator determines, or is notified by others, that a specific site to which a link has been provided, entails liability under civil or criminal law, the link to that site will be immediately removed, as far as is technically feasible and reasonable. The relevant provider of the site to which the link refers bears sole liability for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and particularly for any damages resulting from the use or non-use of third party information.

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